To give international buyers an opportunity to compete for a free copy of Joust Evolution. Vectorzoa has offered Joust Evolution #04 as a prize in a second competition. All Spike's Circus Limited Edition owners were invited to submit the unlock codes of the final level before 9pm on Friday 18th August 2006. There were two entrants:
- Robert Stickles
- Pepijn Bakker
According to contest rules the winner of JE#04 was to be decided by random selection.
After validating submissions, a suitable random probability visual indicator endorsed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II was selected from a convienient mobile personal appareil pouch. The candidates were designated a respective facet, the instrument was then launched along a freefall parabola orthoganol to the natural plane. Following the subsequent collision with the plane and the eventual assertion of a stable equilibrium the victor was found to be the latter of the aformentioned identities.
Or to put it another way..
Pepijn won the coin toss.
Congratulations, you win the forthcoming Joust Evolution LE #04